Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Too Much Joy!

Alexis posted about spring break, which brought to mind a group I discovered while I was a disc jockey at our college's radio station back in the 1990s.  The group was called Too Much Joy and we had Besides, an EP of theirs that featured acoustic music.  Too Much Joy also had an album called Cereal Killers which had a much more "plugged" sound.  I preferred their acoustic sound and, sadly, I'm afraid I won't be able to find any YouTube videos with those songs.  I did manage to find and purchase their acoustic EP, though, which I still much prefer...

Here's "King of Beers" from Cereal Killers.  It was the first song I ever heard by them, only we had the acoustic version... vastly superior, in my opinion...

Actually, this post has prompted me to play around with iMovie and YouTube... Maybe I can find a way to make a video featuring Too Much Joy.  For now, check out the plugged version of "King of Beers".

Okay... I made a video starring my husband and lots of beers.  The first song is Too Much Joy's "King of Beers" acoustic style and the second song is "Beer Run" by Todd Snider.

That took forever!


  1. It was fun making that video. My husband is usually really shy, but even he thought it was a funny video. Some of the photos got doubled up, but it all somehow ended up working out.


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