Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Seasons In The Sun...

Today, I wrote a blog post for the music blog I was asked to contribute to.  I decided to dedicate today's post to all those who are suffering from the nasty flu bug that's going around.  So far, I've been lucky enough to avoid getting sick.  I rarely get the flu anyway, because I'm kind of a recluse and don't spend time around anyone but my husband, who is required to take flu shots.

Actually, despite his having to be vaccinated against the flu, there have still been folks in his office who have gotten really sick.  Thankfully, he has a nice strong immune system and he hasn't brought it home to me... at least not yet.

Anyway, as I was writing my new post about songs relating to sickness, I was reminded of an old hit from 1974... "Seasons In The Sun" by Terry Jacks.

This song is...  wow...  I just can't even express it.  It's a song about someone who is dying and doesn't want to.  But it's really prompted a variety of reactions.  Some people think it's a very touching song about a young person dying before his or her time.  Some people think it's just a sappy, schmaltzy, crappy song.

My feelings about it are somewhat neutral.  It reminds me of my early childhood.  I think it's very dated.  The lyrics are a little cheesy.  But I can also see why people love it.

Shoot, even the guys in Nirvana loved it...

If you haven't gotten sick yet, many prayers that you'll stay nice and well!


  1. I've always liked that Terry Jacks song. Was he a one-hit wonder?

    I'd never heard nirvana's "Seasons in the sun" before.

  2. I dunno... it's kind of a guilty pleasure for me, even though it's a little schmaltzy. I like cheesy songs, though.


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