Sunday, March 31, 2013

For all the gingers out there...

I seem to have turned into a copperhead over the years.  I was born with blonde hair, but it gradually went darker as I got older.  When I was about ten, my mom started getting my hair colored blonde.  Sometime around 1996 or 97, while I was overseas and had no access to hair color, I let my hair go natural.  It turned out to be sort of a "dishwater red".  I mean, it was kind of mousey, but naturally had a lot of copper tones in it.  So when I finally colored my hair again, I started going for more red shades, since that seemed to look more natural.  I don't know that you could call me a natural "ginger", but I can definitely pass if I pick the right shade, with lots of gold in it.

Anyway, I discovered Tim Minchin on RfM and he wrote a brilliant song for redheads.  Hope you enjoy "Prejudice".


  1. Cute song. Interesting that your blond hari went reddish. Many childhood redheads end up with brown hair in mid-to-later adulthood. Bobby Flay was a complete ginger as a kid. on camera, his hair , until recently, looked more dark brown. I noticed a recent show where his hair is almost Ronald Mcdonald red. I suspect chemical intervention, but who knows other than Bobby and his hairdresser? Maybe it's just a change in lighting on the set.

  2. The Irish are frequently associated with red hair, but the Scots have a slightly higher percentage of red hair per capita. Of my mom and her six siblings and two parents, none had or have red hair. Come to think of it, none of us in the next generation have it, either.

  3. My mom has red hair. I think it might have naturally been reddish brown when she was younger, but for as long as I've known her, she's colored it red or strawberry blonde. She totally looks natural as a redhead and has the temperament to match. I have only seen my dad with facial hair once or twice and though his hair was black and silver, his facial hair came in kind of red.

    I had really blonde hair as a little girl that got darker as I got older. I just never knew how much red was in it because my mom wouldn't let it grow in naturally. Nowadays, I color it because I have a lot of silver.


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