Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Horrible singers who make good...

Our Irish friend, Paul Kirby, introduced me to a shockingly awful singer yesterday when he posted a link to Leona Anderson's "Rats In My Room".

Quite fittingly, the song comes from the album Music to Suffer By...

I generally don't like listening to horrible singers.  It's kind of painful to me.  However, I have such a goofy sense of humor that Leona's singing actually makes me laugh even as it hurts my ears.  So I went looking for more of the same from her and found this little gem...

"Limburger Lover" definitely qualifies as goofy shit.  Leona apparently prefers her men to be strong of character, like Limburger cheese.  I will admit, I have never tasted or even smelled Limburger cheese.  But I have heard enough about it to know that it's probably an acquired taste.

She also sang the ear shatteringly bad "Fish", about her favorite meal...  I like the calliope-esque arrangement to this song, which gives it sort of a jaunty mood.

You know, I've always thought Bob Dylan was a shitty singer.  Yeah, he can write good songs, but his singing voice is... uh... different.

Dylan's voice is better than Leona Anderson's voice, of course.  He can at least stay on key somewhat.

I'm convinced that to make it as a star, you have to have some kind of quirky star power that makes you different, even if your voice sucks.  Granted, I had never heard of Leona Anderson until yesterday, but I can see why she cut an album and why some people still have it.  People love their goofy shit.


  1. 'Fish is delish' haha, I love Leona Anderson. I think you'll like Janet Klein and her retro style.

  2. Goofy Shit is cool except for that godawful muh nuh muh nuh or however it was spelled.

    My dad says not only was Dylan a shitty singer and great songwriter, but he was also one of the worst lead guitarists in history


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