Friday, April 26, 2013

Tapestry Mash Up...

A friend of mine posted a Christian poem on Facebook today.  Reading it, I determined that it would fit perfectly with Carole King's song, "Tapestry".  I mentioned it to my friend, who then challenged me to do a karaoke project.  Since I'm trying to learn how to use GarageBand, I decided to take her up on her challenge.  I downloaded the karaoke track for "Tapestry", which turned out to be very well done.  Then I fired up GarageBand and plugged in my mic, whereupon I mashed up Carole King's lyrics with a poem called "The Weaver" by Corrie Ten Boom that had a similar theme and rhythm.  I determined the poem also would also work with "The Yellow Rose of Texas", much like Emily Dickinson's poetry-- but then, "Tapestry" is a lot like "The Yellow Rose of Texas", too...

I may have missed my calling.

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