Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Loving You..."

I was attempting to rouse myself out of my doldrums this morning by playing around on  One of the featured songs today was the wretched "Loving You" by Minnie Riperton. Minnie Riperton led a tragically short life.  She died at age 31 of breast cancer.  I didn't know it until a minute ago, but she was the mother of music engineer Marc and actress/comedienne Maya Rudolph.  Maya Rudolph is my age.  I don't know anything about Maya Rudolph, but it looks like she's been successful.

This isn't to say that Minnie Riperton didn't have a fine voice.  She did.  And she hits that high note with aplomb.  I just don't like "Loving You" because it reminds me of feminine hygiene ads.

There's something almost cartoonish about this song.  I feel like I'm listening to Olive Oyl...

People must have loved this song, though, because I still hear it and people try to sing it on SingSnap.  As far as I'm concerned, this is one song that ought to be locked tight in the Dungeon of the Past.  


  1. The song is not my cup of tea, either, and I don't even like tea. It's so sad that she left the world at such an early age, though. She's not really THAT much older than I am.

    One advantage I have right now with the size of my breasts is that a lump woukd be pretty damned obvious. I do the monthly self-checks, and although I don't have pelvic exams because my physical level of (non) maturity and lack of sexual activity, the internist that I see does breast exams yearly. I still see my pediatrician for most things, but he's my uncle, and we agree that breast exams under anything but the greatest of emergencies would be just too weird. He did perform a rectal exam when I had abdominal adhesions, but I was in enough pain that all I cared about was that he was hurting me more than I was hurting in the first place. I was too sick for embarrasssment to be a factor. and my mom was there.

    My mom said I'm still of an age, size, and level of physical developent that unless I know in advance that I'm having an exam of a personal nature and walk into the exam room with that knowledge, I should not consent to anything of an intimate nature without her, my dad, or one of my pseudo-guardians being present. It doesn't happen often, but there are perv doctors our there, and some specialize in pedophilia, which would make me attrative to many of them. There was that LaVar Withers guy in Rexburg who didn't care what age his victims were, and there was a John D. Parkinson, a former stake president who practiced not far from some of the places we lived in northern CA, who molested women for decades while the LDS church protected him and intimidated anyone who tried to file formal complaints. And that's just a couple of mormon ones.

    Obviously I'll eventually be able to manage my own OBGYN exams, but my mom thinks I'm too small and young-looking at this stage, and no one needs to be springing unplanned looks at my private parts on me without another trusted adult in the room. In some ways I think she's being overprotective, but she might be right, so I'll humor her for a year or two.

    When the time comes, whenever that may be, that I need birth control, however, that's another matter. I would go into the office expecting such an exam, and there would be a nurse present as well and everything would be done according to protocol or I would scream my head off.

  2. I don't do OB-GYN visits unless I am forced. So far, that's been twice. I had a very traumatic experience the first time which caused me to be very phobic about most doctors, but especially those who do internal exams on a regular basis.

    The side of me that is educated knows I should probably see a doctor. The side of me that is chicken makes it impossible. That phobic stuff doesn't extend to dentists, shrinks, or eye doctors.

    You are lucky to have so many medical folks around who care so much about you. My mom was not very supportive when I came home all traumatized after my first pelvic exam.


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