Thursday, August 21, 2014

Marie Osmond sings "Pie Jesu" by Andrew Lloyd Webber...

I just found this clip today.  Marie Osmond sang this in tribute to her son, Michael Bryan, who committed suicide a couple of years ago.

I am familiar with this piece because I was in a choir that sang it when I was in college.  I always liked it back then.  It was originally intended for a soprano and a boy soprano.  Webber casted Sarah Brightman, who was at that time (mid 1980s) his wife,  and Paul Miles-Kingston.  It has since been covered by a lot of people.

Sarah Brightman and Paul Miles-Kingston

I can't say Marie's rendition is all that impressive to me.  She sounds a little under the pitch and breathy.  On the other hand, given the circumstances, I think she does okay.  She's singing about her son, after all, and that would challenge any vocalist.  She's crying at the end, which I can hardly blame her for doing.  I'm sure losing her son was extremely devastating.

At the same time, hearing her do this makes me want to do it too.  Maybe when my regular computer finally gets here.  

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