Thursday, April 16, 2020

A song that reminds me of Donald Trump...

This morning, as I read about Ivana Trump driving to New Jersey despite the shelter in place requests, I was reminded of an old parody song I used to hear on morning radio shows.  Kip Addotta, who died August 13, 2019, used to be on Johnny Carson and came up with some very funny songs for Dr. Demento's show.

Cockroaches are known for being indestructible.

And now, when I see or hear Trump, I can be reminded of this song about a disgusting, destructive bug that doesn't go away...  

Kip Addotta had some other funny songs that were staples in the 80s.  Remember "Wet Dream"?

This song is as punny as they come.  You like seafood too?

I am not familiar with "Life in the Slaw Lane", but Bill recognized Kip Addotta's voice.

Whoa... the 80s sound is strong in this.

Not everyone is into puns.  A little bit goes a long way in my opinion.  However, "Big Cockroach" is one of my favorites.  And since Trump and his invasive family have taken up residence in the White House, it's taken on new meaning for me.  Let's hope in November 2020, we can fumigate.

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