Monday, October 8, 2012

Kenny Rogers!

I just finished reading Kenny Rogers' freshly published memoir, Luck or Something Like It: A Memoir.  I enjoyed the book, by the way, and the above link leads to my Epinions review of it.  But now I have Kenny Rogers songs on the brain.  Having grown up in the 1970s and 80s, I was always exposed to his brand of country flavored pop.  He was a huge star when I was a kid.  My mom has always loved his music, too.

I have to admit, he does have a way with a love song... and apparently, he has a way with love, too.  The man has been married five times!  Anyway, here are a few Kenny Rogers tunes to worm their way into your ears this morning.


And in case anyone is wondering, Kenny's book doesn't share his famous roasted chicken recipe.  I never ate in any of his restaurants, but I hear his chicken is awesome.  It's enough to make me want to go to Asia and try it.  That's where his remaining restaurants are today.

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