Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Eight classic feminist anthems...

Since today is Election Day in the USA and we may be getting our very first female president, I think I will focus today's post on classic feminist anthems.  There have been a few of them and this blog is mainly about music from the past, so I will focus on a few that have been around for a long time.  The one that was running through my brain this morning is this one.

Eurythmics and Aretha Franklin sing "Sisters are Doin' it for Themselves"

This was a big hit in the 1980s.  I also seem to remember it being used on The First Wives Club soundtrack back in 1996.  It seems rather appropriate to have this song on the brain today, even though I can't say I'm a big fan of Hillary Clinton's.

No post about feminist anthems would be complete without this song, Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman".  I was never really a big fan of this song.  It came out the year I was born.  But it does seem fitting to listen to it today.

"You Don't Own Me" sung by the late Lesley Gore.  Interestingly enough, toward the end of her life, she came out as a lesbian.  This song was a hit in the 1960s, when it was considered rather edgy.

Dolly lets everyone know... "My mistakes are no worse than yours 'Just Because I'm a Woman'."

Linda Ronstadt, as lead singer of The Stone Poneys, reminds her man that she's not ready for any person, place, or thing to try the pull the reins...

Gloria Gaynor shitcans her louse of a man and tells him she will survive.

Granted, Aretha Franklin is covering a song by Otis Redding, but "Respect" is an ageless song that commands respect from anyone who listens.  You tell 'em, Aretha.

And finally, Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand sing a disco anthem for the ages.  Enough is enough, dammit!

When you think about it, these ladies offered voices for countless women who were emerging from patriarchy.  Not everyone appreciates feminism or feminists.  Personally, I'm for equality, even as I realize we'll probably never really have it.  It certainly won't happen before I'm dead.  I'm not sure what the outcome of today's election will be.  Regardless of who wins, I'm sure there will be bitching aplenty tomorrow.  It makes me glad we're going to Ireland, where we can drown our sorrows for a few days.

Regardless, I'm glad to see a woman is running for president and has a real shot at winning.  It'll be interesting to see who prevails.

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