Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Rest in peace, Glenn Frey...

I was very sad and surprised to hear about Glenn Frey's passing as I woke up this morning.  As a child of the 70s and 80s, his music has always been a big part of my personal soundtrack.  While I think I appreciate Don Henley more as a musician and songwriter, I can't deny that I've also very much enjoyed Glenn Frey.  A lot of the songs he sang lead on with the Eagles are favorites of mine.

I guess what is more shocking to me is that so many famous people have died in the past week and they've all been men in their late 60s, early 70s.  I guess you just never know when your time is going to be up.

This song immediately passed through my head when I heard about Glenn's death.  It's probably my favorite of his solo efforts.

I had read that Glenn Frey had his demons and enemies.  I will always appreciate his gift for R&B hooks and pop.  He and Don Henley were a dynamite songwriting duo.  Frey was like Paul McCartney to Henley's John Lennon.  Not surprisingly, I seem to like Lennon over McCartney, too.  

I suppose there is more I could write about Glenn Frey, maybe a few days from now when the news has had more time to sink in.  Oddly enough, I found out about Glenn's death on RfM instead of Facebook.  Go figure.

I just hope this is the end of dying rock icons for awhile.  

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