Wednesday, December 28, 2016

George Michael

George Michael, famously known for fronting Wham! and being a sexy guy in the 80s, has just passed away.  I know he had been dealing with some rather serious health problems lately, though I had no idea that they were so serious that his heart would fail on Christmas.

I have already written about Mr. Michael on my main blog.  Since he was a great singer and this is my blog about music from the past, I thought I'd offer a few links to my favorite songs by him here.

I can't view this in Germany, but you probably can in the United States.  Since George died on Christmas, it makes sense to include his perennial hit, "Last Christmas" here...

"Young Guns Go For It"

And an interview when Michael and Andrew Ridgeley were young and new.

Madonna presents George Michael with an award in 1989...

I liked Wham! fine back in the day, but I was really impressed with George Michael's 1987 album, Faith.  I loved the title track especially, although I remember getting really sick of "I Want Your Sex" because it was constantly on MTV and the radio.  I did like "I Want Your Sex" part 3, which was kind of sexy.  I liked "Father Figure", although it got pretty tiresome after awhile, too, due to oversaturation.  

This video was pretty sexy!  

I also remember listening to George Michael a lot when I lived in Armenia.  He was much loved there and in the mid 1990s, his song "Jesus To A Child" was a hit.  So was "Fastlove".

"Jesus To A Child"

Way too many musicians have died in 2016.  I pray that the last few days of this year do not claim any more talented artists.  

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