Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jim Capaldi...

I was playing SongPop this morning and my opponent chose 80s one hit wonders.  A song I haven't heard in over thirty years was one of the choices.  Here's Jim Capaldi, who gets a little help with Steve Winwood on keyboards...  Anyone who was around in the 80s knows Steve Winwood.  Or, at least anyone who was listening to pop radio during those days would.

This is a great song called "That's Love"... and I swear, it's been so long since I last heard it.  I feel ancient now.

Sadly, Jim Capaldi died in 2005 at age 60.  He had stomach cancer, but was planning a reunion of his band, Traffic, which he founded with Winwood.  I see on iTunes, he has a huge catalog of songs that I'm going to have to raid.  I bet there are more golden nuggets from the past in there that will bring forth a rush of nostalgia.

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