Monday, April 15, 2013

Leo Sayer...

Back when I was growing up, Leo Sayer was pretty popular.  In 1976, he sang a well-received, upbeat number called "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing".  My sister had that album on vinyl and I used to listen to some of the songs on it.  Many years later, I downloaded it off Apple iTunes and wrote a review of it on  I listened to this album a bit a few years ago and realized that Leo Sayer actually has a very nice voice to go with his big hair of the 1970s era.

Yeah, he mostly sings in falsetto in this song, which might be annoying to some listeners.  Personally, I like it when he uses his lower registers, though this song remains a guilty pleasure.

"When I Need You" is a nice ballad, performed here during an appearance on The Muppet Show...

Here, he sings a later song, "More Than I Can Say", which I clearly remember was popular in 1980, when I was about eight years old.  I have mixed feelings about that time in my life.  Some of my memories are kind of pleasant, but that was when we moved from the DC suburbs to Gloucester, Virginia, a place I hated for years.  Nowadays, I don't hate it.  It's become my hometown and I can understand why my parents decided to move there.  But back then, I missed the suburbs of northern Virginia.  I was also bullied a lot back then, which wasn't fun.

I liked Sayer's take on "Reflections" by The Supremes.  I also liked this album cover.

Leo Sayer was born British, but immigrated to Australia and became a naturalized citizen there in 2009.    I don't know what he's up to these days.  I do remember reading his Web site a few years ago... probably when I reviewed his album, and he had written some anti-Bush comments there.  Anyway, in 2008, when I finally purchased and listened to Endless Flight from start to finish, I realized that he has a very good voice.  I suspect that maybe he might have been a victim of MTV, just like Christopher Cross.

My take on a Leo Sayer song...



  1. Lovely performance!

    I adore "When I Need You." Leo sayer does it well, but my mom and dad do anice version of it to. I wish they'd share, but they don't post anything.

  2. I confess that I never realized how pretty "When I Need You" is until I became a 40 year old housewife. When I was younger, I much preferred "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing". The rest of Endless Flight is also pretty decent.


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