Friday, September 13, 2013

Superstition... five ways...

It's Friday the 13th, which is for many people an unlucky day.  In honor of Friday the 13th, I thought I'd dedicate a post to Stevie Wonder's epic hit, "Superstition"...

Lucky for me, I found four different videos of Stevie Wonder doing this song with some big name legends.

Old school Sesame Street style...

2010 with Prince and Sheila E. in Paris...

In 1989 with Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jody Watley...

With Jeff Beck...

And here's one from Natural Wonder, which is a hell of a live album...

I really miss music like this.  

Happy Friday the 13th!


  1. The music was nice.

    I'm not trribly superstitious, though I make it a point to try not to sleep thirteen in a bed on a Friday night.

    1. I think Stevie Wonder is a true genius. I am always in awe of people who are so creative and naturally gifted.


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