Monday, April 14, 2014

Richard Marx is apparently easily offended...

I just read an article on about Richard Marx, who was a big singer-songwriter in the 80s.  I was never a particular fan of his, though I well remember his songs.  He kind of reminds me of John Stamos' character on Full House, both in terms of looks and the type of music he used to put out.

Apparently, he got into it with a blogger for Salon when the blogger accused Marx of being "shameless".  He sent emails, tweets, and even demanded a face to face meeting at the blogger's favorite bar in the Chicago area.  It all seems very strange, although a couple of commenters said that maybe Marx was doing this stuff to keep his name alive.

Lightweight summery ballads were Richard Marx's mainstays in the 80s.

I didn't read the original piece to see exactly how the term "shameless" was used.  It doesn't seem like that would be that much of an insult, though.  Of all the things you could call someone, it seems like "shameless" wouldn't be that bad.  The blogger could have called Richard Marx a motherfucking cocksucker or something.  

Anyway, I was very intrigued by that story.  I will make a note of how important it is not to call Richard Marx names, especially if I ever live in the Chicago area and/or make it big as a writer.


  1. This is funny. I really don't have a huge opinion regarding Richard Marx. He's just one more 80's mullet head. I hope he's at least lost the mullet by now. Sometimes mother nature has a way of taking thise mullets away from guys who might otherwise be too stupid or tasteless or otherwise invested in the 80's to give them up. Didn't Marx follow Peter Cetera briefly as a lead singer for Chicago in addition to his solo career?

    If i'm ever really bored I may have to blog about Marx and use a few not-necessarily-flattering adjectives, though I'll stay away from shameless, as it seems that Marx prides himself on his high level of shame and takes umbrage when anyone makes any indication to the contrary.

    It's not as though have the readership that Salon does, but then again, I can see Richard Marx googling himself on a regular basis. Regardless, I can't meet him in a bar because even with a fake ID they'd never let me in.

    Perhaps Richard Marx and Richard Carpenter should get together and take their act on the road.

    1. I don't recall Richard Marx ever being in Chicago. I could be wrong, though.

      Incidentally, you should also check out my travel blog because is REALLY on a roll today. Planes in vaginas, anyone?


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