Thursday, December 22, 2016

SingSnap's community songbook...

SingSnap rolled out a new feature last week.  It's the "community songbook", which allows users to upload their own karaoke tracks to the site for all to enjoy.  It's a pretty cool feature, though personally I'm a little afraid to use it much.  I fear that copyright owners will come a calling.

I did upload one song, though, simply because it's so pretty I wanted to share it with a broad audience.  Six people have viewed it since I recorded it the other day.

I like having lots of songs to sing, but the threat of legal retaliation is real...  Especially from people like Don Henley, who is notoriously down on karaoke.  I love Don Henley's music, but I think he's an asshole who is not very generous with his gifts.  Music is meant to be shared.  I have bought a lot of his music over the years, too.  I guess he has the right to be the way he is, but it does make him look like a very selfish person.

Anyway, I may or may not mess around with it some more today.  I'm finding myself with little to do as we await Christmas.  I don't like to record when Bill is home, so I seldom do.  Maybe today I'll do a little music.  Or maybe I'll watch old episodes of Fame on iTunes.  It's a toss up.

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